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  • The purpose of the Area 28 Finance Committee is to formulate an annual Area 28 budget to be presented to the Area 28 Assembly and be a resource group for Group & District Treasurers as well as the Area 28 Treasurer.

  • The Area 28 Alternate Treasurer is the designated chair of the Area 28 Finance Committee.  The committee will be composed of the District Chairs assigned by the Area 28 Chair, Treasurers of Districts, Treasurers of Groups & other AA members who wish to attend.  The Area 28 Treasurer may attend, but has no vote in the committee.

  •  Any AA member can bring forth any issue(s) for discussion at the Finance Committee meetings, but only Finance Committee members have a vote within the committee.  A simple majority is needed to bring recommendations before the Area 28 Committee.

  •  The Area 28 Finance Committee shall meet at all Area 28 Committee Meetings (ACM) (4 times per year) & Area 28 Assemblies.  The Finance Committee Chair may call additional Finance Committee meetings if needed.

  • General duties & responsibilities of the committee include: providing a proposed annual budget, supporting the Area 28 Delegate financially & with information, be familiar with AA Guidelines on finance including the principles of the 7th Tradition and share their experiences with Groups & Districts.  They will   report to Area 28.

The Area 28 Alternate Treasurer, John D., chairs the Finance Committee and  can be reached at [email protected]

The Area 28 treasurer is Dan B., who can be reached at [email protected]

See the GSO Guidelines for Finance that relate to this committee and also to local groups.

Correctional Facilities

  • The purpose of the committee is to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls, and to set up means of smoothing the way from the facility to the larger A.A. community.

  • The Chair is appointed by the Maine Area Chair following the Election Assembly in October and shall serve a two-year term beginning in January of the following year.

  • The Committee shall include the appointed Chair, any District Chair assigned by the Area Chair, all corresponding District Corrections Chairs and any District or Group Corrections Committee members.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee and a simple majority shall constitute a passing vote within the committee.

  • The committee shall meet at each Area Committee Meeting and at each Assembly. The Committee Chair may call special meetings, if necessary.

  • The current chairperson is responsible for passing forward all information and documents for the committee to the next incoming Chair of the committee.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Corrections Committees.

There is also a Corrections Workbook.

Area 28 Corrections chair is Stan L. who can be reached at [email protected]

New To AA?

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Suggestions for anyone who might have a drinking problem

Select here to read online schedules for meetings in Maine – New Brunswick

If you are a family member or friend of someone who has a drinking problem

  1. Read more information to explore what AA is and how AA can help.
  2. Al-Anon is an organization by and for family members and friends.

Contact A l-Anon Family Groups

Contact the Maine Area Al-Anon Family Groups site

If you are a professional or need to refer someone to AA 

  1. Read more how AA members can help.
  2. If you are in Maine you can contact specific committees, including: Members of the clergy, medical professions, or legal professions, Correctional Facilities, Treatment Facilities, and general inquiries.
  3. If you are anywhere outside Maine and are a health care professional, correctional or treatment facility professional, media/news professional, employee assistance professional, educator, member of the clergy, counselor, social worker or student contact our General Service Office and they will direct your inquiry accordingly.



  • The appointive Boomerang Editor shall function as the final say in the content of the “Boomerang.” The Boomerang is the official newsletter of Area 28.

  • The Boomerang will be guided by the G.S.O. Newsletter Guidelines as well as its own guidelines set up by its committee of (4) four rotating members, (addition) who each carry a vote only within the committee, and the editor who carries a vote at Area Committee Meetings and Assemblies.

  • The Boomerang editor is appointed by the Area Chairperson for a term of (4) four years.

  • Committee Members shall be appointed by the Editor.  Committee Members may serve up to two (2) years if they so choose.  Other interested AA Members may also serve on the committee where they will have a vote within the Boomerang Committee.

  • At the editor’s rotation, current editor will turn over all electronic data, paper archive files, and any equipment or software purchased, to the new incoming editor and make themselves available to assist with the first issues of that rotation if needed.

Area 28 Boomerang editor is Peter B., who can be reached at [email protected]

Editions of the Boomerang may be found here:

Other resources

Other Resourecs



  1. Box 456
  2. f-13
  3. Boomerang
  4. The Beam
  5. Downeast Intergroup Newsletter

AA Information is best found at

The pamplets for recovery, for service, and for professionals on the site are current. Also service information for meeting resources,
group / district resources, and workbooks can be found on the site as well.

To find a publication or document you can put your search term into the search box to find the item you are looking for:

image for search

If that does not produce the item you are looking for try the Site Map. Do a Ctrl-f in the browser and use the browser search to find the
item. Tip — spell out twelve instead of 12.

Group Resources

The single most important resource for Group guidance is the pamphlet, The AA Group. This may well be the most important pamphlet in AA. There is a copy here on the website.

We suggest you get a printed copy. If you can’t find one, ask your District Chair for one.

This pamphlet contains brief descriptions of various jobs and functions in groups as well as suggestions for group meetings and questions to guide group inventories.

Finances are often very confusing for Groups. There is excellent advice in the AA Group pamphlet. There are also GSO Guidelines on Finance that are quite helpful for groups.

 Groups run their meetings many different ways. For a quick overview of AA parliamentary procedure used in most District and Area meetings, see AA Parliamentary proceedure.

One of the primary jobs of District Committee Members (DCMs) is to assist groups. Ask your DCM’s for help. They will be very excited to be asked and very willing to help.

 There are also Guidelines for most of the committees that Groups may have. Take a look at the Area Committee listings to find GSO Guidelines and other links that may be helpful.

 Some Districts and Groups have found it helpful to have printed copies of the Tradition and Concept of the month and their checklists. We have made these available for your use as MonthlyHandouts

 If you know of other links or suggestions that should be added to this page, please tell us. Thanks.


District 1
District 1 Chair is: Bob H
District 1 meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9:30 am at
the Central Service Office in Portland
Please send Group donations to:
District 1 Treasurer
P.O. Box 10651
Portland, ME 04101

Corrections Committee: 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:30 at CSO
PI/CPC Committee: 2nd Monday of the month 6:00 at CSO
Treatment Committee: 3rd Tuesday of the month 6:00 at CSO

District 2
District 2 Chair is: Don J [email protected]

District 3
District 3 Chairperson is: Bill G [email protected]
District 3 meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at 4:00 pm, at
The B.A.R.N.,
142 Center Street in Brewer


Please send Group donations to:
District 3 Treasurer
P.O. Box 2023
Bangor, ME 04402-2023

District 4
District 4 Chairperson is: Vacant

District 5
District 5 Chairperson is: Curt F [email protected]
District 5 meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm at
St. Philip’s Church,
Rt 4 in Auburn
Please send Group donations to:
District 5 Treasurer
P.O. Box 3052
Auburn, ME 04210

District 6
District 6 Chairperson is: Bob L  [email protected]
District 6 meets the 2nd Friday of the month, 6:00 pm at the
United Church of Christ,
150 Congress Avenue, Bath
Please send Group donations to:
District 6 Treasurer
P.O. Box 80
Bath, ME 04530

District 7
District 7 Chairperson is: Vacant
District 7 meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm at the
Holy Rosary Parish Center
31 Thomas Avenue – Caribou
Please send Group donations to:
District 7 Treasurer
152 East Green Ridge Road
Caribou, ME 04736-3737

District 8
District 8 Chairperson is: Chuck G [email protected]
District 8 meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm –
The location rotates, so please contact your GSR
Please send Group donations to:
District 8 Treasurer
P.O. Box 447
Ellsworth, ME 04605

District 9
District 9 Chairperson is: Jesse P [email protected]
District 9 meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm at the
2nd Congregational Church
River Road – Newcastle
Please send group donations to:

Treasurer District 9,
PO Box 48
Newcastle, ME 04553

District 10
District 10 Chairperson is: Marty W [email protected]

District 11
District 10 Chairperson is: Vacant

District 12
District 12 Chairperson is: Ken N [email protected]
District 12 meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at:
St Mark’s Episcopal Church
9 Summer Street – Augusta
Please send Group donations to:
District 12 Treasurer
P.O. Box 5503
Augusta, ME 04332-5503

District 13
District 13 Chairperson is: Santo R [email protected]
District 13 meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at:
Alfred Parish Congregational Church
Alfred Square – Alfred
Please send Group donations to:
District 13 Treasurer
P.O. Box 224
Springvale, ME 04083

District 14
District 14 Chairperson is: open [email protected]
District 14 meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm at
Thayer Hospital – Dean 3&4
Northern Ave, Waterville
District 14 website:
Please send Group donations to:
District 14
P O Box 1436
Waterville, ME 04901

District 15
District 15 Chairperson is: George S [email protected]
District 15 meets the 2nd Sunday of the month,
GSR roundtable at at 4:00 pm and district meeting at 5-6:30 pm at
Universalist Church, 345 Broadway ??? Rockland
Please send Group donations to:
District 15
PO Box 41
Rockland, ME 04841

District 16
District 16 Chairperson is: David T [email protected]
District 16 meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at:
Waldo County Hospital Education Center
118 Northport Avenue – Belfast
Website is
Please send Group donations to:
District 16
P.O. Box 771
Belfast, ME 04915

District 17
District 17 Chairperson is: Gigi G [email protected]
District 17 meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month – 7:00 pm at:
United Methodist Church
Route 302 in Naples (next to the Post Office)
Please send Group donations to:
District 17 Treasurer
P.O. Box 24
Raymond, ME 04071

District 18
District 18 Chair is: Vacant

District 19
District 19 Chair is: Brenda P [email protected]
The District 19 meets on the 2nd Monday of the month, 6:00 pm at:
2nd Congregational Church
Main Street – Norway
Please send Group donations to:
District 19 Treasurer
P.O. Box 81
Paris, ME 04271

District 20
District 20 Chairperson is: Lenny G [email protected]
District 20 meets the 2nd Monday of the month, 7:00 pm at:
Oasis Club
63 School Street – Saco
Please send Group donations to:
District 20 Treasurer
P.O. Box 1666
Biddeford, ME 04005

District 21
District 21 Chairperson is: Dan M [email protected]

District 23
District 23 Chairperson is: Beth Mary H [email protected]
District 23 meets on the second Monday of the month, 7:30 pm at:
First Parish Congregational Church,
180 York Street in York
Please send Group donations to:
Maine Area District 23
PO Box 1214
York Harbor, ME 03911

District 24
District 24 Chairperson is: Bill H [email protected]
District 24 meets the second Sunday of the month, 9:30 am at:
Larrabee Village Conference Room,
30 Liza Harmon Drive in Westbrook
Please send Group donations to:
District 24 Treasurer
PO Box 1345
Westbrook, ME 04098

District 25
District 24 Chairperson is: open  [email protected]
District 25 meets on the first Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm at:
St Aiden’s Episcopal Church, College Hill, in Machias

District 26
District 26 Chairperson is: open [email protected]
District 26 meets the third Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm at:
St Batholomew’s Church,
8 Two Lights Road in Cape Elizabeth
Please send Group donations to:
District 26 Treasurer
PO Box 628
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107

AA Meetings and Events for Maine


CSO for Maine has a list for the entire state of Maine. If a meeting is missing or not accurate, please make the update.

The CSO meeting list

To make corrections or updates for CSO meeting list

Downeast Intergroup (North and east from Belfast)

Downeast Intergroup meeting list

For updates and corrections to the meeting list please email the updates to: [email protected]

Events and Announcements

Events on the CSO site.

To add your events or announcements to the CSO site.

Downeast Intergroup
Events on the Downeast Intergroup site.

To add your events or announcements to the Downeast Intergroup please email to: [email protected]

Welcome (scroll down the page for announcements and events)


Preamble of Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A. A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A. A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Copyright © by The A.A. Grapevine Inc. Reprinted with permission.

February ACM Meeting

  1. Agenda
  2. January Minutes
  3. Spring Assembly Flyer
  4. Prototype for Area 28 Website

Area 28 White Book

This is the long version

Area 28 Guidelines Workbook

Guidelines Workbook

Up Coming Events


  • The mission of the Website Committee is to oversee the operation of the Area 28 Website, the activities of the Webmaster and to review and establish Website policies as needed.
  • The primary purpose of the Area 28 website is to provide information to GSRs, Area Committee members and other interested AAs within Area 28. The Website Committee will follow the GSO Guidelines on the Internet.
  • The Website Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that website policies are appropriately implemented and for reviewing all aspects of Website policy and will submit reports to the Area Committee and the Area Assembly. When a major change in policies or the website is proposed, the Committee may make recommendations and submit agenda items to the Area Committee and the Area Assembly.
  • Website Committee meets online so that members of all other standing committees may participate. If you are a member of Area 28 and would like to join and participate in the Website Committee, go to Web28Committee and sign up. Because we do not want this group to be public—not open to people other than members of Area28—you will be asked to give some basic information and apply to the group. OR contact the Website Committee Chair for inclusion in these online discussions.  Please help and give us the benefit of your perspective and ideas.


  • The Area Chairperson appoints the Webmaster in consultation with the Website Committee and the Webmaster is then confirmed by the Area Assembly at its next meeting.
  • The Area Webmaster serves a term of two years with the option to stand for re-appointment for an unspecified number of panels to serve.
  • The Area Webmaster attends meetings of the Website Committee and reports and makes recommendations to the Committee.
  • The Area Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining the domain, website email forwarding, responding to inquiries, updating information (e.g. names of committee chairpersons, officers and changes in contact information), posting information and changes as requested by the Website Committee, and recommending changes or revisions for the Website to the Website Committee.
  • A major responsibility of the Webmaster, in concert with the committee chairperson, is to develop and train people to assist the Webmaster and to later assume the Webmaster position whom may be appointed as Webmaster in the future.
  • The Webmaster will ensure that the Website Committee Chairperson and Area Secretary have all access information, codes and passwords.


Anonymity is a major issue in doing both Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) work and in our website work. The AA Pamphlet, Understanding Anonymity is an important resource and here is an excellent recent article on anonymity.

Anonymity online is becoming and increasingly important and difficulty issue. Here is a service material from GSO on Anonymity Online.