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Special Needs/Remote Communities

  • Maine Area 28 Special Needs/Remote Communities Committee’s two fold purpose is to offer alternatives so that the AA message is accessible to anyone when requested, including the remote communities within Area 28.

  • Any interested member can be on the committee in addition to the appointed Chair, assigned District Chairs and any corresponding district committee chairs.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee if they have attended more than one meeting.

  • Votes will be determined by a simple majority.

  • The Committee will use the GSO guidelines/workbook when applicable, in their deliberations.

  • The committee will cooperate with other committees to try to insure the message is accessible to all.

  • The committee chair will meet and exchange information and material with the incoming Chair prior to the January Area Committee Meeting.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Special Needs Committees.

There is also a Special Needs/Accessibility Workbook.

Area 28 Special Needs/Remote Communities chair is Barbara H., can be reached at [email protected]

Contact Us

To give us feedback on this site or general information about the site, please email [email protected]

To contact the chair of the Website Committee, Ginger M,  please email  [email protected]

To contact the chair of Area 28, Gigi G, please email [email protected]

Our non-electronic address is:

Maine-New Brunswick Area 28 General Service
499 Broadway #225
Bangor, ME 04401

The Portland Central Service Office (CSO) performs many valuable services including keeping the online meeting lists current and listing events from throughout the Area. To submit an event go to

To submit an online meeting list change go to 

Click here to contact other area servants

Area Servants

Area 28 Officers:

Delegate: Mary Lou Q [email protected]

Alt. Delegate: Byron B [email protected]

Area Chair:  Gene W [email protected]

Alt. Chair: Robin G [email protected]

Secretary: Bill L [email protected]

Alt Secretary: Stephen V [email protected]

Treasurer: Nina R [email protected]

Alt. Treasurer: Dana G [email protected]

Registrar: George S [email protected]

Standing Committee Chairs

Archives: Robin G [email protected]

Boomerang Editor: Deborah M [email protected]

Bridging the Gap: Jay M [email protected]

CPC: Tom F [email protected]

Corrections: Brian G  [email protected]

Finance: Dana G [email protected]

Grapevine:   Roy R  [email protected]

Guidelines: Byron B [email protected]

Literature: Charlie P [email protected]

Love and Service: vacant  [email protected]

Public Information: Mike L [email protected]

Round-Up: Nicki O [email protected]

Special Needs:   Phil H [email protected]

Treatment:   vacant  [email protected]

Non-Voting Servants

Alanon Liaison: Peter M [email protected]

CSO/Intergroups Liaison:  Gary K  [email protected]

Archivist: Peter T [email protected]

Alternate Archivist:  Bruce B  [email protected]

Webmaster: Peter L [email protected]

Past Delegates

Bob D, Panel 36, [email protected]

Elaine O, Panel 48, [email protected]

Jesse M, Panel 50, [email protected]

Miles B, Panel 52, [email protected]

Denny O, Panel 56, [email protected]

Kathi D, Panel 58, [email protected]

Spencer R, Panel 60, [email protected]

Linda T, Panel 62, [email protected]

GSR Resources

What is a GSR?

A General Service Representative (GSR) is the link between an AA group and AA as a whole.

On page S26 of the AA Service Manual, we find: “The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the group’s thoughts to the district committee member (DCM) and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference.”

It is recommended that GSRs have at least two years of sobriety, time to commit to meetings, and the ability to listen to differing points of view.

Suggestions for new GSRs

If your group is new, please complete a new group form, otherwise complete a GSR Change Form and send it to the Area registrar.

Your AA General Service Office,
The AA Service Manual (Combined With Twelve Concepts for World Service),
Circles of Love and Service,
AAs Legacy of Service,
AA Guidelines,
Service Material from the General Service Office


Purpose and Guidelines


This site is maintained by Area 28 Public Information Committee General Service for the purpose of providing information to GSR’s, Area Committee Members, and other interested AA’s within Area 28. The site is maintained by members of Area 28.This site is maintained through volunteer efforts and we only ask that information posted not require frequent update.

This site is in line with the April 1997 General Service PI conference action where AA now includes “Electronic Media” as yet another method to carry the AA message.

This site is not endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. or any given Internet Service Provider. It is an AA service solely provided by the Area 28 General Service Public Information Committee. To adhere to our tradition of personal anonymity, last names of AA members will not be listed nor email addresses that include full last names. Some of the items at this site may have been published by AA World Services, but do not assume that this implies continued approval by the General Service Conference for their use.

Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and The Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine® are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc.

The Committee expresses its heartfelt thanks to Area 54, Northeastern Ohio, for assistance with this website. Much of the material is adapted from their excellent effort. Problems and inaccuracies are, of course, solely our responsibility.

The Committee and Area also express thanks for the invaluable help of the Portland Central Service Office. The CSO performs many valuable services including keeping the online meeting lists current and listing events from throughout the Area.

For more information on the relationship between CSO and the AA service structure, please see Intergroups.

Personal Anonymity and email

There is a very clear difference between posting last names on a website and using them within an email or email address. A website is a public communication vehicle not unlike “Press, Radio, and Films”. Carrying our AA message on a website or other media is within our traditions as long as last names or facial pictures are not posted.

The Area Web page has taken great pains to ensure that last names are not used anywhere, including within the website address. On the other hand, personal email between members and/or non-members is no different than using the US Mail (snail mail) or telephone. Disclosing AA membership in this way does compromise our tradition of maintaining anonymity at the public level.

For more information, see Understanding Anonymity and Anonymity Online.


The General Service Office has published Guidelines on the Internet which we strive to follow. Other than what’s been covered, these will be established as needed.


Events taking place in Area 28 are listed by the Portland Central Service Office. They use the same criteria for including AA events as is used by the General Service Office and the Grapevine: that the event is put on by AA members, for AA members and about AA:

Q. What are the criteria for listing A.A. conferences, conventions and similar events in Box 4-5-9 and the Grapevine?

A. G.S.O. defines an A.A. event as one put on by A.A.s, for A.A.s, about A.A. These events must be two or more days long. There would not be enough room to list one day events or group anniversaries. (BOX 459, GSO, February-March, 2008)

To submit an event, please go to

Area Standing Committees

Area 28 has fourteen standing committees, each designed to fulfill specialized needs of A.A. members, or to reach the still suffering alcoholic. Some of the committees assist the professional community by educating and providing useful information on how A.A. can and cannot help, within the Twelve Traditions.

Most Area Committees chairs are appointed by the Area Chair for two-year terms, corresponding to the rotation of officers.

The Finance Committee is chaired by the Alternate Treasurer and the Guidelines Committee is chaired by the Alternate Delegate. The Roundup Chair is elected by the Area Assembly.

Each Area Committee includes the Chairs of the any like District Committee if the District has a like Committee. Committees meet at the Assemblies, prior to the Area Committee Meetings and/or at the call of its chair.

Welcome (scroll down the page for announcements and events)

Preamble of Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A. A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A. A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Copyright © by The A.A. Grapevine Inc. Reprinted with permission.

February ACM Meeting

  1. Agenda
  2. January Minutes
  3. Spring Assembly Flyer
  4. Prototype for Area 28 Website

Area 28 White Book

This is the long version

Area 28 Guidelines Workbook

Guidelines Workbook

Up Coming Events

Love and Service

  • The purpose of the Love and Service Committee is to help us love ourselves and others through service. We promote service and provide information about service to ensure the health of the A.A. community, the continuance of the fellowship, and the effective fulfillment of our primary purpose. We do this by encouraging, sponsoring, and presenting workshops and other activities.

  • The Area Chair appoints the committee chair. Members are all district Love and Service chairs and others with a desire to promote our purpose; who are present at a meeting of the committee.

  • All members are voting members within the committee.

  • Changes in committee guidelines go to the Guidelines Committee for referral to the Assembly if needed.

  • A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the committee is required for committee action.

  • The outgoing committee chair will meet with the newly appointed committee chair at the end of the two year rotation to transfer all paperwork and update the new chair on what the committee is doing.

An important pamphlet for Love and Service work is Circles of Love and Service.

Area 28 Love and Service chair is George B., who can be reached at [email protected]