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Treatment Committee

  • The purpose of the Area 28 Treatment Facilities Committee is to coordinate the work of the individual AA members and groups that are interested in carrying the message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities.

  • Any interested member can be on the committee in addition to the District Chair assigned by the Area Chair.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee.

  • The voting members are the Area Treatment Facilities Chair, the appointed District Chair, any district Treatment Facility chairs, and any interested AA members.

  • Votes will be determined by a simple majority.

  • The Treatment Facilities committee will always refer to the GSO guidelines / workbook to assist their committee.

  • The treatment Committee chair will meet the newly appointed chair at the end of the chair’s two year term to transfer all paper work and update the new chair on what the committee has been doing.

  • The Treatment Facilities Committee will cooperate with other committees in every way to assist in the development of their purpose.

  • The committee shall meet at all Area committee meetings and Assemblies. The chair may call a special meeting at anytime.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Treatment Facilities Committees.

There is also a Treatment Facilities Workbook.

Area 28 Treatment chair is Abby C. who can be reached at [email protected]



Round-Up Committee

The purpose of the Area 28 Round-Up Committee is to organize and produce a Maine Area Round-up each year.

  • The elected Round-Up Committee Chairperson shall appoint the members.  Chairperson is empowered after the election rather than January 1.

  • The Alternate Round-Up Chair is elected at the Fall Election Assembly, following the election of the Round-Up Chair.

  • The Alternate will vote in the chair’s absence.

  • The Round-Up Committee will be responsible for: Round-Up Seed Money; Literature and Flyers; Suggested Host Facility and Facilities Services; Al-Anon and Al-Ateen Representation at Meetings; Round-Up Agenda, Speakers, Workshops; Registration; Booths, Grapevine, CSO, Meeting List, etc.; Audit of Expenses; Return of proceeds to Area Treasurer

  • All keynote speaker meetings shall be signed for the deaf community by a Certified  American Sign Language interpreter.

  • Round-Up Committee Chairperson will be responsible for timely reports to Maine Area Committee on suggestions of his/her Round-Up Committee.

  • A written financial report shall be available at all Fall assemblies.

  • The Maine Area will reimburse the Round-Up Chairperson and Alternate Round-Up Chairperson for expenses to attend Area Committee meetings and Area Assemblies.

  • The Round-Up committee chair has full authority to contract with the chosen facility, as an agent for Area 28, in order to plan and effectuate the RU.  Ultimate financial responsibility lies with Area 28.

Area 28 Roundup Chair chair is Nicki O who can be reached at [email protected] and the Alternate Chair is Bob W who can be reached at [email protected],org.

For more information including registration information, please go to

Love and Service

Love and Service Committee

  • The purpose of the Love and Service Committee is to help us love ourselves and others through service. We promote service and provide information about service to ensure the health of the A.A. community, the continuance of the fellowship, and the effective fulfillment of our primary purpose. We do this by encouraging, sponsoring, and presenting workshops and other activities.

  • The Area Chair appoints the committee chair. Members are all district Love and Service chairs and others with a desire to promote our purpose; who are present at a meeting of the committee.

  • All members are voting members within the committee.

  • Changes in committee guidelines go to the Guidelines Committee for referral to the Assembly if needed.

  • A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the committee is required for committee action.

  • The outgoing committee chair will meet with the newly appointed committee chair at the end of the two year rotation to transfer all paperwork and update the new chair on what the committee is doing.

An important pamphlet for Love and Service work is Circles of Love and Service.

Area 28 Love and Service chair is Don J who can be reached at [email protected]

Special Needs/Remote Communities

Special Needs/Remote Communities Committee

  • Maine Area 28 Special Needs/Remote Communities Committee’s two fold purpose is to offer alternatives so that the AA message is accessible to anyone when requested, including the remote communities within Area 28.

  • Any interested member can be on the committee in addition to the appointed Chair, assigned District Chairs and any corresponding district committee chairs.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee if they have attended more than one meeting.

  • Votes will be determined by a simple majority.

  • The Committee will use the GSO guidelines/workbook when applicable, in their deliberations.

  • The committee will cooperate with other committees to try to insure the message is accessible to all.

  • The committee chair will meet and exchange information and material with the incoming Chair prior to the January Area Committee Meeting.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Special Needs Committees.

There is also a Special Needs/Accessibility Workbook.

Area 28 Special Needs/Remote Communities chair is Phil H. can be reached at [email protected]


Grapevine Committee

  • The purpose of the Grapevine Committee is to encourage districts and groups within Area 28 to elect Grapevine Representatives and to allow elected members of AA to participate in the service structure of Area 28. The committee shall carry the message of recovery through our ‘meeting in print’ and by encouraging subscriptions to the Grapevine.

  • The Area Chair appoints the committee chair. Other members include all district Grapevine Reps and one or more district chairs appointed by the Area Chair.

  • All members are voting members within the committee.

  • Changes in committee guidelines go to the guidelines committee for referral to the Assembly if needed.

  • A simple majority vote is required for committee action.

  • Always refer to G.S.O. guidelines for clarification.

  • Outgoing committee chair will meet with the newly appointed committee chair at the end of the two year rotation to transfer all paperwork and update the new chair on what the committee is doing.

Area 28 Grapevine chair is Roy R. who can be reached at [email protected]

Bridging the Gap

  • The purpose of the Bridging the Gap standing Committee is to be a means of  connecting those alcoholics leaving correctional and treatment institutions with  Alcoholics Anonymous on the outside when they are released.

  • The Bridging the Gap (BTG) chairperson shall be appointed by the Area Chair following the Fall Election Assembly in October and serve a two year term beginning in January of the following year.

  • The Area BTG committee shall include District and Group BTG chairs and  Districts and Group BTG committee members.

  • The Area BTG committee chair and District chairs shall be responsible for compiling lists of those willing to be contacts for persons being released. The lists from each District will be maintained by the Area BTG chair.

  • The Area BTG committee shall meet at all Area Committee meetings and Area Assemblies. The chair can call a special meeting at any time.

  • Actions to be brought before the Area Committee by the Area BTG committee will be decided by group conscience at the standing committee meeting. Attending members will have a voice and a vote within the committee.

  • The outgoing committee chair will meet with the newly appointed committee chair at the Area swap-out meeting in December at the end of the two year rotation in order to transfer all paperwork and update the new chair on what the committee is doing.

The Area 28 Bridging the Gap chair is Colt H., [email protected]

GSR Resources

What is a GSR?

A General Service Representative (GSR) is the link between an AA group and AA as a whole.

On page S26 of the AA Service Manual, we find: “The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the group’s thoughts to the district committee member (DCM) and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference.”

It is recommended that GSRs have at least two years of sobriety, time to commit to meetings, and the ability to listen to differing points of view.

Suggestions for new GSRs

If your group is brand new, please complete a new group form, otherwise complete a GSR Change Form and send it to the Area registrar.


One of our first recommendations is to register for this website so you can view agenda, minutes and reports from Area 28 and perhaps from your district. Go to the home page of this site and click Register in the upper left of the page just below the blue menu bar. 

Your AA General Service Office,
The AA Service Manual (Combined With Twelve Concepts for World Service),
Circles of Love and Service,
AAs Legacy of Service,
AA Guidelines,
Service Material from the General Service Office



  • The appointive Boomerang Editor shall function as the final say in the content of the “Boomerang.” The Boomerang is the official newsletter of Area 28.

  • The Boomerang will be guided by the G.S.O. Newsletter Guidelines as well as its own guidelines set up by its committee of (4) four rotating members, (addition) who each carry a vote only within the committee, and the editor who carries a vote at Area Committee Meetings and Assemblies.

  • The Boomerang editor is appointed by the Area Chairperson for a term of (4) four years.

  • Committee Members shall be appointed by the Editor.  Committee Members may serve up to two (2) years if they so choose.  Other interested AA Members may also serve on the committee where they will have a vote within the Boomerang Committee.

  • At the editor’s rotation, current editor will turn over all electronic data, paper archive files, and any equipment or software purchased, to the new incoming editor and make themselves available to assist with the first issues of that rotation if needed.

Area 28 Boomerang editor is Deborah M who can be reached at [email protected]


Finance Committee    

  • The purpose of the Area 28 Finance Committee is to formulate an annual Area 28 budget to be presented to the Area 28 Assembly and be a resource group for Group & District Treasurers as well as the Area 28 Treasurer.

  • The Area 28 Alternate Treasurer is the designated chair of the Area 28 Finance Committee.  The committee will be composed of the District Chairs assigned by the Area 28 Chair, Treasurers of Districts, Treasurers of Groups & other AA members who wish to attend.  The Area 28 Treasurer may attend, but has no vote in the committee.

  •  Any AA member can bring forth any issue(s) for discussion at the Finance Committee meetings, but only Finance Committee members have a vote within the committee.  A simple majority is needed to bring recommendations before the Area 28 Committee.

  •  The Area 28 Finance Committee shall meet at all Area 28 Committee Meetings (ACM) (4 times per year) & Area 28 Assemblies.  The Finance Committee Chair may call additional Finance Committee meetings if needed.

  • General duties & responsibilities of the committee include: providing a proposed annual budget, supporting the Area 28 Delegate financially & with information, be familiar with AA Guidelines on finance including the principles of the 7th Tradition and share their experiences with Groups & Districts.  They will   report to Area 28.

The Area 28 Alternate Treasurer, Dana G, chairs the Finance Committee and  can be reached at [email protected]

See the GSO Guidelines for Finance that relate to this committee and also to local groups.


  • The purpose of the Grapevine Committee is to encourage districts and groups within Area 28 to elect Grapevine Representatives and to allow elected members of AA to participate in the service structure of Area 28. The committee shall carry the message of recovery through our ‘meeting in print’ and by encouraging subscriptions to the Grapevine.

  • The Area Chair appoints the committee chair. Other members include all district Grapevine Reps and one or more district chairs appointed by the Area Chair.

  • All members are voting members within the committee.

  • Changes in committee guidelines go to the guidelines committee for referral to the Assembly if needed.

  • A simple majority vote is required for committee action.

  • Always refer to G.S.O. guidelines for clarification.

  • Outgoing committee chair will meet with the newly appointed committee chair at the end of the two year rotation to transfer all paperwork and update the new chair on what the committee is doing.

Area 28 Grapevine chair is Drew S., who can be reached at [email protected]