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Cooperation with the Professional Community

  • Members of the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee provide information about A.A. to those who have contact with alcoholics through their profession.  This group includes health care professionals, educators, and members of the clergy, lawyers, social workers, union leaders and industrial managers, as well as those working in the field of alcoholism.

  • The Area CPC Chair shall be available to visit and/or communicate with the Districts about working with professionals.  This shall include helping establish  and support District CPC Committees.

  • The Area CPC Committee shall cooperate with and support the Area Public Information (PI), Area Corrections, Area Treatment and Area Bridging the Gap (BTG) Committees.

  •  The Area CPC Committee shall communicate through printed material(s), presentations and other means as appropriate.The Area Chair appoints the CPC Committee Chair following the Election Assembly in October and shall serve a two-year term beginning in January the following year.

  • The Area CPC Committee consists of a Chairperson appointed by the Area Chair, a District Chair appointed by the Area Chair to sit on the committee, any District CPC Chairs and any AA member who desires to work with the Professional Community.

  • The Area CPC Committee meets at each Area 28 Meeting (4 times per year), and at the Spring and Fall Assemblies.  The CPC Chair may call for other meetings if a need arises.  The Area CPC Chair should attend all committee meetings.  In the event that the CPC Chair cannot attend a scheduled meeting then it is the responsibility of the CPC Chair to find a substitute for that meeting.

  • Each member of the CPC Committee has a vote within the committee and a simple majority shall constitute a passing vote within the committee.

Area 28 CPC chair is Tom F. who can be reached at [email protected]

The General Service Office has developed Guidelines for CPC.

There is also a CPC Workbook available online.

There is a wealth of CPC materials available from GSO. Go the the GSO website at

Since our guidelines suggest that speakers often come from other districts, setting up programs can be challenging. As part of a joint initiative with Public Information, the area28 contact and coordinator to help arrange speakers is Mike L who can be reached at [email protected].If you have a request for a school speaker or are trying to arrange a program for students or for professionals, please feel free to contact him for assistance.

A major CPC initiative is trying to reach out to health care professionals through a Sponsor Your Health Care Professional program and packet. For a powerpoint presentation about this initiative see Info on Sponsor Your Healthcare Professional Packets.

Materials included in the Sponsor Your Healthcare Professional packet and available on this website: A Healthcare Professional Looks at AA, Note to Professional and Note to the AA member.

Doing presentations is an important part of CPC and PI work. Here are some Notes on Doing Presentations from the CPC Workbook and a model/sample/template presentation adapted for Area 28 in a PDF file for presentations.

Anonymity is a major issue in doing both Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) work. The AA Pamphlet, Understanding Anonymity is an important resource and here is an excellent recent article on anonymity.


  • Sunday, Jan. 14th: Corrections Conference @ St John’s, Camden:  8-noon
  • Sunday, Jan. 29th: NECYPAA Hosting Committee Elections: 1-5 @ Sahara Club, Portland
  • Thursday, Feb. 16th: Gray Village Groups’ Anniversary Doors open @5:30, Potluck-6; Speakers-7, St. Gregory’s Parish Hall, 24 N. Raymond St., Gray

Public Information

  • The Public Information Committee is “responsible for creating greater understanding of/and preventing misunderstandings of, the A.A. program through the public media, electronic media, P.I. meetings, and speaking to community groups.”
  • The Chair of the Public Information Committee shall be appointed by the Maine Area Chair following the Election Assembly in October and serve a two-year term beginning in January of the following year.
  • The Public Information Committee shall include District and Group P.I. Chairs and any District or Group P.I. Committee members.
  • The Area P.I. Committee Chair and District Chairs shall be responsible for compiling lists of those willing to speak to community groups. The lists from each district shall be provided to the Area Chair who shall maintain and update the overall list which will be used to contact AA members. The policy of the P.I. Committee shall be that AA members will be asked to do speaking commitments in communities other than the one in which they reside, recognizing the importance of anonymity.
  • The Area P.I. Committee shall meet at all Area 28 Committee Meetings (4 per year) and all Area 28 Assemblies.  The P.I. Chair may call a special meeting if the need arises.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Public Information Committees.

There is also a Public Information Workbook.

Area 28 Public Information chair is Bob H., who can be reached at [email protected]

Since our guidelines suggest that school speakers come from districts, setting up programs for students can be challenging. The area28 contact and coordinator to help arrange speakers for schools is Mike L who can be reached at [email protected].If you have a request for a school speaker or are trying to arrange a program for students, please feel free to contact him for assistance.

The PI Committee has an school initiative to form a link with and place literature in every high school and middle school in Maine. Take a look at our initiative and step-by-step guidelines to join this initiative: PI school suggestions.

Doing presentations is an important part of CPC and PI work. Here are some Notes on Doing Presentations from the CPC Workbook and a model/sample/template presentation adapted for Area 28: in a PDF file for presentations. 

The PI Committee is working on a special presentation for schools/young people. A draft copy is posted here for comments and suggestions. Please send your ideas to Mike L at [email protected].

Anonymity is a major issue in doing both Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) work. The AA Pamphlet, Understanding Anonymity is an important resource and here is an excellent recent article on anonymity.

Anonymity online is becoming and increasingly important and difficulty issue. Here is a service material from GSO on Anonymity Online.

Bridging the Gap

  • The purpose of the Bridging the Gap standing Committee is to be a means of  connecting those alcoholics leaving correctional and treatment institutions with  Alcoholics Anonymous on the outside when they are released.

  • The Bridging the Gap (BTG) chairperson shall be appointed by the Area Chair following the Fall Election Assembly in October and serve a two year term beginning in January of the following year.

  • The Area BTG committee shall include District and Group BTG chairs and  Districts and Group BTG committee members.

  • The Area BTG committee chair and District chairs shall be responsible for compiling lists of those willing to be contacts for persons being released. The lists from each District will be maintained by the Area BTG chair.

  • The Area BTG committee shall meet at all Area Committee meetings and Area Assemblies. The chair can call a special meeting at any time.

  • Actions to be brought before the Area Committee by the Area BTG committee will be decided by group conscience at the standing committee meeting. Attending members will have a voice and a vote within the committee.

  • The outgoing committee chair will meet with the newly appointed committee chair at the Area swap-out meeting in December at the end of the two year rotation in order to transfer all paperwork and update the new chair on what the committee is doing.

The Area 28 Bridging the Gap chair is Jay M. who can be reached at [email protected]


  • The purpose of the Guidelines Committee is to assist in the writing and maintaining of guidelines for Maine Area Officers, Committees, and functions, as well as update and maintain the Maine Area 28 Workbook.

  • The committee will consist of the Alternate Delegate as Chair, a District Chair assigned by the Area Chair, all district guidelines chairs and a GSR selected by the Guidelines Committee Chair from each of the four regions north, south, east and west of Area 28.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee.  Any member of A.A. may attend the Guidelines Committee meetings, and all who attend have a voice.

  • The committee will meet at each Area Committee Meeting and at each Assembly. Special meetings may be called by the Alternate Delegate/Committee Chair if necessary.

  • Guidelines given to the committee must be approved by a simple majority vote of the committee in order to be presented to the Area Committee for placement on Assembly agendas.

  • The Area 28 Guidelines Committee Chairperson will hand over all notes, minutes and information regarding the Guidelines Committee to the next incoming Guidelines Committee Chair within 30 days of the new Alternate Delegate/Guidelines Chairperson being elected.

  • The current chairperson is responsible for passing forward all information and documents for the committee to the next/incoming chair for the committee.

Area 28 Alternate delegate, Nikki O., is the Guideline Committee chair and can be reached at [email protected]

Correctional Facilities

  • The purpose of the committee is to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls, and to set up means of smoothing the way from the facility to the larger A.A. community.

  • The Chair is appointed by the Maine Area Chair following the Election Assembly in October and shall serve a two-year term beginning in January of the following year.

  • The Committee shall include the appointed Chair, any District Chair assigned by the Area Chair, all corresponding District Corrections Chairs and any District or Group Corrections Committee members.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee and a simple majority shall constitute a passing vote within the committee.

  • The committee shall meet at each Area Committee Meeting and at each Assembly. The Committee Chair may call special meetings, if necessary.

  • The current chairperson is responsible for passing forward all information and documents for the committee to the next incoming Chair of the committee.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Corrections Committees.

There is also a Corrections Workbook.

Area 28 Corrections chair is Brian G who can be reached at [email protected]


  • The purpose of the literature committee is to be a resource to help any individual, district, or committee with their literature needs. Chair should have a working knowledge of all conference approved literature and have one copy of each to help anyone with their requests  to see what they need before they order it. The chair should also be ready to assist in ordering literature with copies of forms.

  • The literature committee should also maintain a small inventory of service literature, available at cost from GSO.

  • The committee shall be ready to set up a display of and sell said service literature at Assemblies and other events, at cost.

    • Newly revised conference approved material should be available.

  • The chair is appointed by the Maine Area Chair following the Election Assembly in October and shall serve a two-year term beginning in January of the following year.

  • The committee shall include the appointed chair, any appointed district chairs, all district literature chairs, and any district or group literature committee members.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee and a simple majority shall constitute a passing vote within the committee.

  • The committee shall meet at all Area Committee meetings and at Area Assemblies. The chair can call a special meeting at any other time.

  • The literature chair is responsible for turning over all inventories, information, and supplies to the incoming Chair prior to the January Maine Area Committee Meeting.

There are General Service Office Guidelines for Literature Committees.

Area 28 Literature chair is Allen S., who can be reached at [email protected]

Area Servants

Panel 66
Area 28 Officers:

Delegate: Gene W. [email protected]

Alt. Delegate: Robin G. [email protected]

Area Chair: Byron B. [email protected]

Alt. Chair: Nikki O. [email protected]

Secretary: Gigi G. [email protected]

Alt Secretary: Brenda B [email protected]

Treasurer: George B. [email protected]

Alt. Treasurer: OPEN [email protected]

Registrar: Rudy St.P. [email protected]

Standing Committee Chairs

Archives: Peter T. [email protected]

Boomerang Editor: John D. [email protected]

Bridging the Gap: OPEN [email protected]

CPC: Michael M. [email protected]

Corrections: Bob H.  [email protected]

Finance: OPEN [email protected]

Grapevine: Peggy G.  [email protected]

Guidelines: Robin G. [email protected]

Literature: Charlie P [email protected]

Love and Service: Jim L. [email protected]

Public Information: OPEN [email protected]

Round-Up: Lillie H. [email protected]

Special Needs: Denise J. [email protected]

Treatment: Phil H.   [email protected]

Website: Drew S.  [email protected]

Non-Voting Servants

Alanon Liaison: OPEN [email protected]

CSO/Intergroups Liaison: George O.[email protected]

Archivist: Peter T. [email protected]

Alternate Archivist:  Bruce B.  [email protected]

Webmaster:  JR B. [email protected]

Past Delegates

Bob D, Panel 36, [email protected]

Elaine O, Panel 48, [email protected]

Jesse M, Panel 50, [email protected]

Miles B, Panel 52, [email protected]

Denny O, Panel 56, [email protected]

Kathi D, Panel 58, [email protected]

Spencer R, Panel 60, [email protected]

Linda T, Panel 62, [email protected]

Mary Lou Q, Panel 64, [email protected]

Welcome (scroll down the page for announcements and events)

Preamble of Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A. A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A. A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Copyright © by The A.A. Grapevine Inc. Reprinted with permission.

February ACM Meeting

  1. Agenda
  2. January Minutes
  3. Spring Assembly Flyer
  4. Prototype for Area 28 Website

Area 28 White Book

This is the long version

Area 28 Guidelines Workbook

Guidelines Workbook

Up Coming Events


  • The purpose of the Guidelines Committee is to assist in the writing and maintaining of guidelines for Maine Area Officers, Committees, and functions, as well as update and maintain the Maine Area 28 Workbook.

  • The committee will consist of the Alternate Delegate as Chair, a District Chair assigned by the Area Chair, all district guidelines chairs and a GSR selected by the Guidelines Committee Chair from each of the four regions north, south, east and west of Area 28.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee.  Any member of A.A. may attend the Guidelines Committee meetings, and all who attend have a voice.

  • The committee will meet at each Area Committee Meeting and at each Assembly. Special meetings may be called by the Alternate Delegate/Committee Chair if necessary.

  • Guidelines given to the committee must be approved by a simple majority vote of the committee in order to be presented to the Area Committee for placement on Assembly agendas.

  • The Area 28 Guidelines Committee Chairperson will hand over all notes, minutes and information regarding the Guidelines Committee to the next incoming Guidelines Committee Chair within 30 days of the new Alternate Delegate/Guidelines Chairperson being elected.

  • The current chairperson is responsible for passing forward all information and documents for the committee to the next/incoming chair for the committee.

Area 28 Alternate delegate, Byron B, is the Guideline Committee chair who can be reached at [email protected]